SEAH Project

The project aims at creating academic-professional language modules for French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish as a foreign language in the field of AC with a view to encourage student mobility and to improve the outcomes of mobility programs.


Language courses/Corpora

Il Progetto SEAH della “d’Annunzio” si è aggiudicato il premio “Label Europeo” delle lingue

Il Premio Label Europeo delle Lingue 2022 è stato vinto dal progetto “Sharing European Architectural Heritage: Innovative language teaching tools for academic and professional mobility in Architecture and Construction” (SEAH;, coordinato dalla professoressa Mariapia D’Angelo, Docente di Didattica delle Lingue moderne, in collaborazione con le professoresse Maria Chiara Ferro e Sara Piccioni, tutte del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne dell’Università degli Studi “Gabriele d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara, capofila del Progetto in partenariato con gli Atenei di: Bordeaux-Montaigne (Francia), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spagna), Università Statale di Polotsk (Bielorussia) e Masaryk University (Repubblica Ceca), assieme a Internet Web Solutions, Málaga (Spagna). Il prestigioso riconoscimento di qualità per i Progetti Erasmus+ nella promozione dell’eccellenza nell’insegnamento delle lingue a firma del ministro dell’Università, Anna Maria Bernini, assegnato in passato a importanti Atenei italiani, è stato conferito alla “d’Annunzio” dai rappresentanti dell’INAPP (Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche) e quelli dell’INDIRE (Istituto Nazionale Documentazione Innovazione Ricerca Educativa). La cerimonia di premiazione si è svolta nei giorni scorsi a Roma, a conclusione dell’evento dedicato al “Programma Erasmus+ 2021-2027 verso la valutazione di medio periodo. European Vocational Skills Week – European Year of Skills 2023”, ed è stato ospitato presso l’Istituto Nazionale per le Politiche Pubbliche (INAPP). <Tra gli aspetti di maggiore valore evidenziati nelle motivazioni del conferimento del Label Europeo - spiega la professoressa Mariapia D’Angelo - figura il carattere innovativo della metodologia ideata per la didattica del linguaggio specialistico dell’Architettura e delle Costruzioni in lingua italiana, francese, spagnola, tedesca e russa. In settore d’intervento è stato scelto per la mancanza di risorse linguistiche digitali open access nelle cinque lingue del progetto, ma la metodologia implementata può essere replicata anche per l’insegnamento di altri linguaggi specialistici, a sostegno della mobilità sia studentesca sia lavorativa. A nome del gruppo che ha curato il progetto SEHA, - sottolinea la professoressa D’Angelo -ringrazio il professor Claudio Varagnoli e i suoi Colleghi del Dipartimento di Architettura della “d’Annunzio” per il supporto fornito nell’individuazione delle esigenze formative degli incoming students nonché nella raccolta dei testi autentici. Un ringraziamento speciale - conclude la professoressa D’Angelo - va al dottor Glauco Conte e a tutto il Settore Internazionalizzazione ed Erasmus per il management del progetto, portato a termine con successo nonostante le difficili e complesse contingenze legate al conflitto in Ucraina>.

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The third Multiplier Event took place in Polotsk (Belarus)

Partners from Polotsk State University held the event for the dissemination of the SEAH-project among the academic departments that were not involved and in order to share the results of the work done and to make them available for linguists from other universities and educational institutions. The results of the project were presented and common elaboration of strategies for interdisciplinary development of materials and corresponding parts of the curriculum were shown in the form of presentations of the involved staff of SEAH project and round-table discussions. On April 21, the work was held within the framework of the round table “Possibilities of Corpus Linguistics in Language Teaching: Methodological Tools”. Svetlana Liasovich and Natalia Nester told about the process of the creation the Russian language corpus with professional orientation Architecture and Construction. Then, colleagues from other universities shared their experience of research work in the field of corpus linguistics and methodological tools for working with corpora. Liudmila Rychkova - a leading researcher in the field of corpus linguistics in the Republic of Belarus, among those Russian colleagues who initiated the creation of a module for regional and foreign press of the National Corpus of the Russian Language - took part in the seminar online. The second day of the seminar on April 22 was full of interactive activities: participants were divided into teams; each of them was creating a new non-existent object of architectural heritage using the architectural terminology and SEAH Corpora with the help of words and colored paper. The teams were able to get to know the architecture of Polotsk better and update the methodological tools that were discussed the previous day during the architectural quest around Polotsk. The third day was dedicated to a guided tour of the city's monuments. The event brought together scientific workers from different universities: Vitebsk State University P.M. Masherov, Belarusian State University, Minsk State Linguistic University, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Baranovichi State University, MITSO, as well as the Higher School of Economics (Moscow). Students of the specialties Russian as a foreign language and Architecture also became the participants of the seminar. The event was immediately (on April 25) publicised on the Polock State University website (

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SEAH project showcase during the Science Week 2022 at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Next 16th November 2022 at 4 PM, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid will present the SEAH project in room 406 of the Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (INEF) at the Science Week 2022. The Science Week of Madrid is a popular event organized by madri+d Foundation for Knowledge that provideactivities to show the work carried out by researchers, their projects, motivation and efforts. This event allows society to learn about the latest breakthrough in science and to make issues that concern available for the citizens. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid actively participates in this event held annually and this year the UPM team participating in the SEAH project will present all the innovative outcomes of this E+KA203 Erasmus+ project. The SEAH (Sharing European Architectural Heritage) project promotes the teaching of Spanish in architecture and construction (AC) for international students through innovative language teaching tools. It aims to foster academic and professional students’ mobilities in the field of architecture and construction through: - The creation of a AC linguistic corpus of one million words in each language. - The design of didactic units of five modules in each language (Spanish, French, Italian, Russian and German). The modules, designed by the Spaniard team from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), that will be presented are: • Viviendas sostenibles (Sustainable housing) • Las ciudades y sus infraestructuras (Cities and their infrastructures) • Rehabilitación de edificios antiguos (Rehabilitation of old buildings) • Instalaciones deportivas y naturaleza urbana (Sports facilities and urban nature) • Presentación oral eficaz de un proyecto arquitectónico (Effective oral presentation of an architectural project) This project was awarded in October 2020 and funded by the ERASMUS + Strategic partnership (E+KA203) programme led by the Università degli Studi 'G. d'Annunzio' Chieti - Pescara (Italy), through the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures with five European universities: Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France), Masarykova Univerzita (Czech Republic), Polotsk State University (Belarus), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) and Internet Web Solutions (Spain).

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On the 29th of September 2022, the SEAH project partners from Università degli Studi 'G. d'Annunzio' Chieti, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Masaryk University, Polotsk State University and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Internet Web Solutions gathered face-to-face for the final project meeting and the Multiplier Event in Pescara (Italy). The coordinator team from Università degli Studi 'G. d'Annunzio' Chieti organized a Multiplier Event to present all the resources authored by the international SEAH project team to Erasmus+ mobility students and to high-schools Architecture and Construction teachers and students. Official Institutional greetings inaugurated the Multiplier Event and then a round table about the sustainability and future use of the deliverables followed. Great enthusiasm from the public aroused and students started surfing the Platform. The IT partners Internet Web Solutions from Spain responsible of the development of the OER SEAH platform: presented its Functionalities and Potential and provided also report on the total visits since the website opening thanks to an effective SEO strategy and functional dissemination activities. Highly important was the role of associated partners involved in the whole duration of the project such as the Instituto Cervantes, Associazione LEM-Italia, Università la Sapienza di Roma, DILLE - Società Italiana di Didattica delle lingue e Linguistica educative and so on. A very detailed presentation of the learning platform (called learning corner), comprehensive of each type of exercise presented in the learning units was the core of the Multiplier Event. Participants were amazed by the digital presentation of the units to international students in the field of Architecture and Construction.

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